Tuesday, 16 June 2009

A bit more cross training

I worked fairly late this evening, so missed the race at Palace. Annoying because it really was a stunning evening. Oh well.

To console myself, I went across to to run through Battersea Park. As soon as I got there, I had this crazy idea to do some intervals. After Hillingdon I've come to realise that I need to spend a bit more time getting my body used to the idea of a sprint to the line.

I have no idea how long the sprints were, but they were all out and hard. I managed 2.75. It may not sound like much, but it sure did hurt. I'll be working out a more structured training program over the next few days and I look forward to hopefully putting something together that a) I can stick to and b) will make me faster.


Mik Harewam said...

where is my bike? :)

Natasha Staples said...

Work is a rather annoying thing. When you run a bike-building studio, you'll be able to ride when you like (or so the fantasy goes...)